
Veröffentlichung :: Followers

On this tab, you can view all your followers in a table.


Followers Tab View

  • id – follower number
  • Broker - which broker does it work with
  • Subscribed – subscription activation time.
  • If the option "I confirm manually. And I can reduce the price" is selected in the publication settings in the "Confirm subscription requests" property, then the Confirm button will be active in this field for pending subscriptions
  • Unsubscribed – subscription closing time
  • If the option "I confirm manually. And I can reduce the price" is selected in the "Confirm subscription requests" property in the publication settings, then the Break button will be active in this field for subscriptions
  • Last payment – date of last payment
  • Next payment – next payment date
  • Price is the monthly subscription price paid by the subscriber
  • for convenience

On the left side of the window you can see the signals (positions) that your subscribers receive.