
TopRate :: Common

All published accounts and their signals are available for viewing on the TopRate tab.


TopRate tab view

The table displays published account.

  • Title is the name of the published account.
  • In the second line: type, leverage, broker.
    Additional information can be obtained if the mouse lingers on this cell and wait for the tooltip.
  • Growth – current TWR
  • Drawdown – actual drawdown value
  • Equity – current account equity
  • Followers – the number of accounts that are subscribed to this strategy
  • Price - the cost of a monthly subscription
  • Age – account lifetime
  • Algo – percentage of positions opened by trading advisors
  • Graph - TWR mini graph
  • Action - subscribed action buttons - copy (if not subscribed), edit (if subscribed)

On the left are the filtering and sorting fields to search for a signal with the required characteristics.


  • Leverage – Account Leverage
  • Monthly profit - based on average monthly TWR
  • Maximum drawdown – by maximum drawdown
  • Activity - by trading activity
  • Profit trades – by the number of profitable trades (in relation to all trades)
  • Initial deposit – according to the size of the initial balance (before the first trade)
  • Trading weeks – by the number of weeks in which there was trading activity
  • Trades per week – by average number of trades per week
  • Followers - by the number of followers on the account
  • Price - at the cost of a monthly subscription

  • Show active only – according to the last time the account was connected to the service
  • Show: All accounts; My published accounts; Accounts I subscribe to
  • Terminal: All accounts; MT4; MT5

  • Name or broker - by published account name or by the name of the broker with whom the account is opened

Sort by:

  • ID – order of registration in the service
  • Max profit – realized (closed) profit
  • Monthly Profit - Average Monthly TWR
  • Intraday trading - position holding time
  • Leverage - Account Leverage
  • Algo trading - the number of positions opened by Expert Advisors
  • Name - provider name
  • Growth - actual growth
  • Max drawdown - maximum drawdown reached
  • Equity - current account equity
  • Followers - current number of followers
  • Age - time of registration in the service